SAHCO: A new era for the storied maison
16 dicembre 2022

Sahco’s Creative Director Bengt Thornefors is ushering in a new era forthe heritage textile company, honouring the legacy of its rich archive but filteringthe classical references through a modern risqué perspective.
‘The ambition is to inhabit a world in which the new and the old are indynamic dialogue, resulting in a radical, transgressive aesthetic,’ says Thornefors,who was appointed Creative Director of Sahco in January 2022.
The first reveal will take place in Paris in January, when Thornefors pre-sents Sahco’s 2023 drapery and upholstery collection at Galerie Jousse Entre-prise alongside collectible furniture and contemporary art, during the interiordesign event, Paris Déco Off.

A designer and artistic consultant to leading fashion brands, Thorneforsis a co-founder and creative force behind Magniberg, a Swedish-bedwearbrand with a multilateral approach steeped in cultural allusions and imagina-tion. Applying his knowledge of materials, textures and colour combined withan innate feel for emotional aesthetics, Thornefors is building on Sahco’salmost 200 years of craft and expertise to carve its own niche far removedfrom the norms of an old school industry segment.
‘Our aim is to take Sahco to the next level in global influence and relevance.We know Bengt from his very successful art direction and creative leadership atthe Stockholm power brand Magniberg. Bengt started his career as a designerat Acne Studios and also spent several years at Saint Laurent in Paris.He brings strong vision and ideas of the past and future into the interior space.’ – Anders Byriel, CEO of Kvadrat, owner of Sahco
Founded in 1831 near Nuremberg in southern Germany, Sahco is re-nowned by the cognoscenti for the exquisite taste and superior quality of itsinterior textiles.

‘Sahco weaves the threads of time – past present and future – exploring auniverse of contrasts: classical and the radical new, raw and exquisite, smoothand calloused, everyday and fantasy, comfort and controversy. A Maison of tex-tiles, Sahco should inhabit its own space, rooted in tradition but restless andhungry for something more, a wild and unpredictable beauty,’ says Thornefors.
‘As well as being revered for its quality, Sahco will be talked about for itsaesthetics: super-feminine, soft and beautiful yet dark, enigmatic and dangerous.Some might feel we have taken it too far but I believe we can be both comfortableand radical. People will experience Sahco textiles in a broader context, not justas a swatch or a sample, but in settings that are inspiring and suggestive,with a shiver of sensuality. Whether the references are historical, cuttingedge, cultural, psychological or emotional it is about creating a feeling thatresonates, ideally with many different people.’
Notes to Editors
About Bengt Thornefors
Swedish born, Bengt Thornefors was a senior designer at Acne StudiosinStockholm for nine years from 2003-2011. In 2012 he became Senior Designer& Artistic Consultant for YSL Saint Laurent, during the tenure of Hedi Slimaneas Creative Director. Thornefors founded Magniberg with Nina Norgren, aflorist and graphic designer in 2016. Magniberg takes it directions outside ofthe boundaries of sexes; a meeting between expressions of the modern world;playing on contrasts; breaking rules and classical norms.
For almost 200 years, Sahco has defined exquisite taste and superiorquality in the world of interiors. Combining classic design and innovation, theelegant upholstery textiles and draperies of the Sahco collection havecapturedthe hearts of a discerning international audience. Their rich textures andrefined details can be found in many beautiful homes worldwide. It has beenowned by Kvadrat since 2018. Under Creative Director Bengt Thornefors, itwill be at the forefront of the industry, setting new standards and defining aninterior landscape of rich textures and striking design for today and the future.