Magniberg launches a collection of oversized heavyweight blankets in virgin wool


Kids pretend to be superheroes trailing blankets behind them like heroic capes. Teenagers wrap blankets around their shoulders in front of a campfire on the beach. Two lovers entwine under one blanket, soft wool against bare skin…

Swedish bedwear label Magniberg broadens its range with a collection of oversized heavyweight blankets. Aptly called the Bold Blanket, the monumental blankets are, made from virgin wool in a soft yet heavy weave with a boiled character. The blanket is available in ten electrifying hues including Disco Blue, Juicy Orange and Ice-Skating Pink. The Bold Blanket continues Magniberg’s fashion-led approach to home textiles.

To celebrate the launch, Magniberg invited a friend of the brand, British photographer Daniyel Lowden, to document the collection. His images have a darkly humorous quality, depicting ghost-like figures wrapped in blankets, wandering around the city.

“In the past, whenever I’ve looked for a blanket, they are often a bit bland and neutral in colour and weirdly small. I think that a blanket should be a possession of comfort. You don’t want it small. Everything about it must be more. It should be soft, heavier, more wool. And I wanted colour, not a blanket that disappear into the background. I sought to create a blanket that you can relax in – and even if there are two of you – not fight over.” – Bengt Thornefors

About Magniberg

Magniberg is a bedwear brand with a multilateral approach based in Stockholm, Sweden. After careers in the fashion industry, founders Bengt Thornefors and Nina Norgren partnered to find a new expression in bedwear, establishing Magniberg in 2016. The brand is steeped in cultural references, imagination and emotional aesthetics. It is about craftsmanship, with an insistence on sourcing only the best quality fabrics.

About Daniyel Lowden

Daniyel Lowden grew up between Sweden and the United Kingdom. Without living anywhere fixed he is currently moving between London, Copenhagen and Paris. This style lends itself to honest, sometimes romantic interpretations of people as he moves.


Milan: Valentina Giani

Head of Camron Milan, Camron PR

Milan: Francesca Formenti

Account Director, Camron PR

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